Thursday, April 30, 2015

OMAM Blog for the Week of 4/27/15

From your brainstorming session, choose at least two conflicts to explore more in depth in this blog. Be sure to include textual evidence and support and also identify the effect that the conflict has had on the plot so far. 

       One of the conflicts in this story is Crooks being all alone. This is Man vs. Society because nobody (except Lennie) wants to be around him because of racial issues. The outcome of this is that Crooks is very lonely and has nobody to talk to. Due to the fact he never has anyone to be friends with, he isolates himself from the others thinking he doesn't fit in. I know that when he talked to Lennie, at first he was skeptical, but later he was glad to have a friend to talk to!

       Another conflict in of mice and men is Lennie's disability. This would be probably a man vs. self, because his disability is making things hard for him. The effect of this is that people mistreat him because they don't understand the nature of his problems. They think "He got kicked in the head by a horse when he was a kid." Without knowing what his disability means, they didn't know how they could help him. Lennie's disability is also getting him is a lot of trouble making him do things without thinking. This is why they had to leave Weed, and why he got in a big fight with Curly, which is another conflict it's self. Possibly, none of the other conflicts would have happened without this conflict happening first.

       The last conflict in the story is Lennie and Curley's big fight. This is defiantly a Man vs. Man conflict because they are fighting and they are both people. The outcome of this fight is that Lennie is scared and in danger of Curley's wrath and Curley has an injured hand.  This means bad things for both because it will be hard for Curley to work with a hurt hand! Curley is also the son of the boss so he might get mad at Lennie and George, and even possibly fire them!

      In conclusion, there are many conflicts throughout the story that mean many things for different people. The book is not over, so we still will have to wait to find out what will happen!

- Emily


  1. Don't forget to capitalize the title of the book in the second paragraph. I agree on how Crooks is isolated from the other men. Other than that mistake this is a great blog. Great job!

  2. Nice job. I also do agree with Diana, don't forget to capitalize the book because that is very important. I do agree on how Lennie's disability because it makes it harder for him, but also for the people around him.
