Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Final Reflection Blog

End of the Year Reflection Blog!

      1.  It is finally the end of my Seventh Grade year and I have learned so much throughout my experience in my Accelerated Literature/ Language Arts class. One thing I learned was how to write a very good and correct paragraph. Looking back to the beginning of the year, my so called "paragraphs" looked like messy blobs of words! Another thing I learned was many hundreds of words! If I were to add up all the eight words in our many vocabulary quizzes, it would be about 200+ new words that I have learned this year! Last, but not least, I learned how to incorporate my thoughts into my writing to make it more interesting. Using this, it helped me make my paragraphs much, much better!

       2.  This year, we read Of Mice and Men. I will remember this for the rest of my life for many reasons. First, it was was very fun to discuss our thoughts of the book with the class and find out what they were thinking. I learned so much about the book through those Socratic Seminars! Another reason was that, I heard that in high schools, they don't read that book as often anymore, so I probably would never have another chance to read it! Last, Of Mice and Men was a really good book and it had a storyline that I still think about and I probably will even still think about it ten years from now and so on!

       3.  The nicest thing someone did for me was when Saul let me read his roots list when I forgot mine! If he didn't let me do that, I would have failed ALL of my vocabulary quizzes. It was very nice, because he could have said no. This also happened often so I am so grateful that I was able to get the correct definitions of the roots to put! I could just think about how terrible I would have done on the roots without knowing the definitions. Now, I am getting one hundred percents on my quiz and it would defiantly be much, much lower without Saul allowing me to look at his roots list! Thanks Saul!

       4. One thing I taught my classmates this year was that there is always room for improvement. I try to help people by giving them constructive criticism on their blogs so that each week they will do better. They do the same for me, I learn each week what i can improve on in my writing and what I should do to make it better. It also works, after first commenting on people's blogs, they have improved and evolved throughout the year!

    5.  I feel that I made the biggest improvements in my writing this year. At the beginning of the year my blogs and AOW's were just endless blobs of pointless information! I have improved this to make it much better throughout the year using my new vocabulary words, grammar tips, and writing styles. I never knew that my writing could be as good as it is today. I even started enjoying writing so much, that I decided to write a chapter book! I already wrote four chapters! Without learning all these writing tips, I would have not even thought about writing a book! I am so glad I improved.

   6.  The hardest part this year was probably studying for the vocabulary quizzes. For a while it was very hard for me to find a good study. Towards the end of the year though, I learned a lot of new ways to study and test better. I enjoy the challenging parts still because it is very interesting and exciting to learn. It is defiantly still very hard for me but I hope for improvement in the future.

  7. My best piece of writing was the "The Lady and the Tiger" short story. I was probably the only person in the whole class who had their story end with a happy ending! Even though I did not win the contest for best story, I still think I did a very good job and I am proud of my work! This was probably the most fun one this year!

 8. My favorite book this year was probably Harry Potter and the Sorcer's Stone. It was very good and a lot different than any of the books I have read this year. I have heard it was really, really good, so I decided to read it, and I really enjoyed it! It was a very interesting read! I can't wait to read the next few books in the series, they sound really good!

 9. The advice I would give students next year is: Always check and double check your homework to make sure you have done it, and done it correctly. Sometimes, it has proven very, very useful to do! Our class is so crazy about this that when there is a week that we don't have vocabulary words and we don't see it posted, half of the class freaks out that our computer might have not updated ect. In conclusion, to save you stress, ALWAYS double check your homework!

1 comment:

  1. You did a really great job. There are no grammar errors and there was a lot of detail involved.
