Thursday, May 21, 2015

Paradox and Dream Reflection Blog!

Name Emily B
Date 5/21/15

“Paradox and Dream” by John Steinbeck

Paradox: statement or proposition that seems self-contradictory or absurd but in reality expresses a possible truth.

1)  Read “Paradox and Dreams” by John Steinbeck
2)  Underline and/or highlight every paradox that you come across
3)  Choose two paradoxes that speak to you and reflect
4)  Reflections should be at least two paragraphs in length, should include a topic sentence, and include quotes to support your reasoning.

Paradox: “We work too hard, and many die under the strain; and then to make up for it, we play with a violence as suicidal."

 My paradox means, pretty much, that people work too hard! They get so stressed out that they get sick, or die under the strain. Americans, usually, do overwork themselves, and when they do, they go a bit crazy! When they get more stressed out, they start getting violent, which is not good. People think that they need to work more, and more, and then, they will have no time for anything else! It is true, some Americans have a tendency to work more than they need.

 I choose this one, because, for some people, it can be very true. I know a lot of people who work way to hard, and they get stressed out. I even sometimes do the same too. When first reading the paradox, it sounded crazy, but when you think about it, people do go crazy with work when they do it too much! This paradox though, could only apply to some people. I have friends who are never like that, because they space out their work and make sure that they don’t get too stressed if a big deadline is coming soon. Therefore, I choose this paradox, because, for some people, it can be very true!

Paradox: “We are afraid to be awake, afraid to be alone, afraid to be a moment without the noise and confusion we call entertainment.”

 This paradox means that people are afraid to be without people around them. People are afraid to go asleep, people are afraid to be alone, and they are afraid to be without commotion around them. It is kind of like a sense of fear for some people to be alone, and away from others.

 I choose this paradox, because people in real life are afraid to be without protection of others, because of the bad people and dangers in the world. Today, people are afraid to be alone, due to the fact, that there are bad people out there! Now, people are afraid to fall asleep because they are worried. In conclusion, I choose this paradox, because people in real life are afraid to be without protection of others.

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