Wednesday, October 28, 2015

1st Quarter Reflection

  I can't believe it! It is already the end of the first quarter! I feel like it was just yesterday, that we were going to school to our first day of eighth grade. So far this year, I learned a lot, and improved my skills by a great deal. I read for my forty book challenge, improved my research skills and blogs, benefited from many new strategies, and much, much more.

  I am surprised how much I have read for my forty book challenge already, I have read ten books! At this rate, if I read ten every quarter, I will have read forty books by the end of the year! Some of the books I read were, "The Body in the Woods" ”Of Beetles and Angles" "Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry" and many more! I am proud of my self for putting an effort into reading, and making sure I had a book to read at all times, I even was reading up to three books at a time at one point! I will continue to try to keep on a schedule for reading, so I can reach my goal of over forty books my eighth grade year.

  My research and blogging skills have improved a lot this year too! I realized that this year it has been easier to find my research more accurately and use more reliable websites. I have been much less tempted to get my information off of Wikipedia this year. My blogs have also improved too. I have improved how I write, and changed my style a bit, so it will be more interesting. I also learned a lot of new words to implement in my writing. Therefore, my research and blogging skills have improved a lot this quarter already.
   I benefitted from a lot of different strategies this quarter. One of them was time management. Last year, I noticed that time management was one huge thing that I was struggling with. I used to hate Thursday nights with a passion because that was the night where I had to do a ton of homework for this class. I have been working harder this quarter on not letting that happen. Another stratigy that benefitted me was revising my work. Due to this, my writing was a lot more in depth and clearer to understand. The last stratigy that benefitted me was reading. This helped because I was able to pick up a lot of new words to use in my writing. As you can see, there were many strategies that benefitted me a lot this quarter.

   In conclusion, I have learned a lot this first quarter and have new ideas of how I can improve in the following quarters or years. From reading for my forty book challenge, improving my research skills and blogs, and benefitting from many new strategies, I learned a lot of things this quarter. Next time, I hope to get better and keep improving.


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