Thursday, January 21, 2016

To Kill A Mocking Movie Comparison Blog

Book: To Kill A Mockingbird 

Pages read: Finished 

1.  What do you think is the most important difference between the written and filmed version? Provide evidence with specific details.
2. What is the purpose in having different versions of a story? Think about how different versions contribute to the overall understanding and interpretation of that piece of work. Use specific concepts to support your opinion.

     After reading and watching To Kill A Mockingbird, I noticed many differences and their effects on the story. All of these changes have an important imprint on how you think of To Kill A Mockingbird as a whole. The majority of the time in both the book and movie, the differences, big or small, have an everlasting effect on the reader because you need to be the one to decide which story you like best. Both pieces of work contribute to the overall meaning and interpretation of the story, but it is up to you to choose what you think fits best.

    There were many important differences in the story, but I think that Gem finding the treasures in the tree not hole instead of Scout was the most important and impacting of them all. In the book, Scout was the one to find the treasures in the tree nut hole, quickly after finding them, she shared with Gem. In the movie, Gem found the treasures in the tree nut hole, and chose not to show Scout until the tree was being closed up. In the book, Lee mentioned an example of this my stating, "Two live oak stood at the edge of the Radley lot; their roots reached out into the side road and made it bumpy. Something about one of the trees attracted my attention." This shows that in the book, Scout fount the tree. The reason I think the movie had Jem find it was because he had a stronger emotional connection to it. Although, by having it be exclusive to Gem, it has a greater emphasis on the fact that when the hole filled up, his childhood was beginning to come to its end.

    Having different versions of a story has a very large impact on the reader for many reasons. First, it teaches the reader small to large changes in the plot line, and the effects they cause. This is important because you can see how it effects the characters, and make inferences about how it was different in the book. Having different versions of a story also lets you enjoy a book again, but have some new things, so you are still on the edge of your seat. This is good because if the movie was the exact same as the story, it would not have been as captivating. Lastly, having different versions of a story allows you to choose what you want to believe, and gives the possibility of different endings. Therefore, having different versions of a story has a very large impact on the reader.

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